


The President yesterday sent a handsome basket of flowers to Senator Anthony, in honor of his re-election to the Senate.

Extensive forest fires are raging in portions of Wisconsin, and a large amount of property has been destroyed.

A terrible thunder storm occurred at Indianapolis Tuesday night. A portion of the city was inundated and a number of lives lost.

Eighteen days' search has resulted in the recovery of the body of Mr. Conly of the Kellogg Opera Company, in Chesterfield lake.

Base-ball games yesterday: At Lewiston, Me. - Bates College 5, Bowdoins 4; at Andover - Dartmouth sophomores 17, freshmen 7.


A dispatch to the London Times from Alexdria reports that the khedive and Dervish Pasha have telegraphed to the porte jointly entreating that troops be dispatched.

Mr. Kelley of Pennsylvania gave notice to the House yesterday that, after the river and harbor bill is disposed of, he would call up the bill to reduce internal revenue taxation.

The steamship Pera of the Ross line was totally wrecked near Cape Race May 31st. She ran into an iceberg in a fog and sank almost instantly. The passengers and crew escaped in boats, but it is feared some of the boats have been lost.

The police commissioners of Cleveland have appointed 25 special policemen for service about the Cleveland rolling mills, ordered the sanitary police on duty, with two vehicles for expediting arrests, and have taken steps to prevent the threatened raids on the military armories.

A heavy storm of wind and rain visited southern Indiana and Ohio yesterday. At Hamilton, O., houses were unroofed and trees torn up by the roots. The water in the Miami river rose so high that mills on the banks stopped work. Telegraphic communications and railroad travel are obstructed.

At Rome, Tuesday, the minister of public instruction presented in the Chamber of Deputies a bill, for which urgency was voted, for the purchase of the crematory apparatus invented by Prof. Gorini, with which to cremate the body of Garibaldi. The papers publish an agreement of the members of the Garibaldi family to give the island of Caprera to the Italian nation.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 15, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, and the Middle States, southerly to westerly winds, partly cloudy weather, with local rains, rising temperature during the day and falling barometer.
