Anent the recent announcement that students of Harvard University could now become candidates for honors in Political Science, we wish to call attention to the "Privat-Docent" system that has just been established at that energetic institution, Columbia College: "The 'Privat-Docent' system is one established at the German universities, which enables graduates of these institutions, who may have distinguished themselves in any branch, to deliver lectures in that branch at one of the universities. To this system, it is generally admitted, the preeminent rank of German universities, and the high development of German intellectual life is largely due. At a special meeting of the Academy of Political Science of Columbia College, held on Saturday evening last, Prof. Burgess, dean of the faculty of the Political Sciences, announced that the trustees of Columbia College had established three prize lectureships in the School of Political Science. The lecturers are to be designated by the faculty of that school from members of the academy who shall have graduated either from the School of Political Science or from the Law School of Columbia College, and have taken a two years' course in the School of Political Science; they are to hold office for three years and be reeligible; during their term they shall deliver an annual course of twenty lectures, and shall be entitled to receive the sum of five hundred dollars per annum. The appointments are to begin in June, 1883.
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