


Lawyer Reed still has hopes of saving Guiteau's neck from the halter.

The finest business block in Montreal was destroyed by fire last evening. Loss, $1,450,000.

In the House yesterday, a resolution was passed appropriating $10,000 to erect a memorial column at Washington's headquarters at Newburg, N. J.

The United States Electric Light Co. of New York has notified the Arneaux companies of New England of its intention to bring suit for infringement of patents.

A dispatch to the Times from Constantinople says: There is reason to believe that the Porte will accept a conference if assurance is given that its deliberations will be strictly confined to the Egyptian question.


The Prince of Wales the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Albany and nearly all the members of the government voted with the minority in the House of Lords yesterday on the motion ordering the bill legalizing marriage with a deceased wife's sister to its second reading.

The Sultan invited Lord Dufferin, the British ambassador, to the palace yesterday, and expressed to him his regret at the affray on Sunday in Alexandria, and especially at the wounding of Mr. Cookson, the British consul, and the killing of the engineer of the British man-of-war Superb.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 14, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, and the Middle States, slightly warmer, fair weather, winds mostly from southeast to southwest and lower barometer.
