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The failure of the freshmen to get in to the tree exercises on class day, because of '82's restrictions, is arousing considerably more excitement and ill-feeling than was anticipated. Threats were made that the disappointed freshmen would withhold their rooms, and, as far as lay in their power, would actively show how much they disapproved of the proceedings of the graduating class. We wish to deprecate any such movement on the part of '85. It is a long-established custom that the rooms in the yard shall be at the disposal of the senior class on class day, and, in face of such an usage, it would be bold, to say the least, for any one to attempt to refuse his apartments. The issue would prove extremely unfortunate to them as they could never expect the hearty support of the whole college in such a measure. We can only appeal to the sound sense of the class in this matter, and trust that in a few days the present hard feeling will have died out.
