

Game today with the Beacons on Jarvis.

There was a rehearsal of the class song last night.

The art exhibition in Sever Hall will close Saturday.

The death of C. A. Ham of the class of '73 is announced.

This week's Princetonian contains a letter from Harvard.


The '82 class crew were photographed yesterday in their boat.

Orders for senior photographs will be ready for delivery by the first of next week.

A large audience listened to the prize speaking at Tufts College yesterday afternoon.

There is much complaint at Yale that there is not sufficient accommodation in the dormitories.

The commencement exercises take place at Lasell today. Those of Wellesley will be held the 28th.

Rev. F. Peabody has declined to give the baccalaureate sermon, but the class day committee are urging him to revoke his decision.

A member of '85, who will remain in Cambridge during the summer vacation, desires a few private pupils. Address '85, care HERALD.

Harvard showed her good feeling towards Yale after the sports on Saturday, Mr. Wendell sending a telegram of congratulations to Mr. Brooks. - [News.

The Amherst nine have explained their recent failure to play with Brown on the ground that they were unable to finish the game in season to return to Amherst before Sunday.

Those who wish to take any of the electives given by Prof. Shaler, may find him in the northeast corner of the Museum of Comparative Zoology tomorrow at 2 P. M. Course 14 (Palaeontology) will be given in 1882-3.

Today Moses King will have ready at his book-store for delivery, only to subscribers, the book he publishes for Seymour J. Hudgens of the sophomore class, entitled "Exeter, Schooldays, and Other Poems." It is a very neat and creditable volume.

The number of Sanskrit students has increased so rapidly in the University of Vienna that it has been found necessary to appoint a second professor - Dr. Hultzsch - who assists Professor Buhler in teaching the elements of Sanskrit, and has classes in Pali, Prakrit and Hindi.

Seniors can procure class day tickets at 9 Holworthy today from 2 to 5 P. M. The assessment will be $11.00, and each senior will select by lot a package containing 4 Sanders, 10 Memorial, 7 tree and 16 yard tickets. Cash must be paid on receipt of tickets.

SUMMER CHAIRS. See variety at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street. Invalid Rolling Chairs, Ladies' Fayal, Japanese Rattan Chairs and Sofas, Spring Rockers (improved), Piazza and Sea Chairs; also outdoor attractions, Lawn and Veranda Furniture. New illustrated catalogue mailed free.
