

The nine will play the '77 nine on class day.

Salary of law professors at Columbia is $7500.

The omitted semi-annual in Latin 1 takes place tomorrow.

For Sale - Upright piano, nearly new. Call at 21 Matthews.

G. M. Folsom of the class of 1857 (and class secretary) died recently.


Found - June 9th, an overcoat. Inquire of Horace, Sawin's Express.

French 5, from all prospects, will be a very popular course next year.

For the fourth time during this college year Harvard has defeated Brown.

Lost - On Jarvis field, last Saturday, a silk umbrella. Return to Drury's.

Mr. Geo. Riddle will spend the next year in Europe studying dramatic art.

It is probable that the nine will not play the two exhibition games with Brown.

Several '82 men will spend the summer together in a tramp through England.

Arthur Gilman, secretary of the Longfellow Memorial Association, is seriously ill.

Both Myers and Robinson assert that Goodwin can run the half-mile against the world.

There is complaint that men are not prompt in handing in their list of electives for next year.

The new opera by Gilbert and Sullivan is to be brought out at the Globe Theatre, Boston, early next fall.

Examinations today. - Freshman Physics, Mass. and U. E. R. Omitted semi-annual in Greek 2, Sever 30.

The elocution department will next year be under the supervision of Mr. Jones, '81. There will be several much needed improvements.

Captain Hull of Yale wishes it to be understood that he has never expressed the opinion that his crew is faster that any previous Yale crew.

Dr. Holmes' lecture on "Highways and Byways in Medicine," delivered before the Medical School, has been published in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal for June.

The past few years have added largely to the number of cigarette smokers, and the many brands placed before the buyer have added a variety to the taste of the lovers of a short smoke, but of late two popular kinds have made their appearance, which have taken the smoker by storm. We refer to "Our Little Beauties" and "Opera Puffs," made by Messrs. Allen & Ginter, Richmond, Va. They are manufactured in the best style of the art, and both are a most excellent article. "Opera Puffs" are already well advertised, and are having a large sale. "Our Little Beauties" are a pressed cigarettee, and are fast becoming popular. They last longer and smoke cooler than round made goods and there is no taste of paper in the mouth. They can be found in all stores selling smokers' goods.

FURNITURE especially adapted to cottages, mountain houses, hotels, seaside and summer residences can be bought at manufacturers' prices at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street, Boston.
