

Prof. Goldwin Smith will shortly receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law from Oxford University.

At a recent meeting of the trustees of the College of the City of New York, the by-laws were amended so as to allow applicants from schools and colleges outside of the public schools to compete for admission to the college.

The Advertiser, the solemn old Advertiser, is guilty of the following feeble little joke : "There is a 'Champaign University' in this country. But it is not the one you mean on the banks of the Charles, but in Illinois." Poor Advertiser!

Professor Henry Morley, having devoted much of his life to the exploration of literary history, now prophesies that in the near future a great intellectual figure will arise, who will mark the opening of a new era of thought and literature throughout the world.

The senior class of Dartmouth College recently sent their measures to Oak Hall, Boston, to be fitted with the famous "one dollar linen suit, hat included." On Tuesday they made their appearance in them and created an immense amount of amusement in the town of Hanover.


Boston University commencement occurred Wednesday in Music Hall. An unusually large number of ladies were graduated, and four received post-graduate degrees, one taking the degree of Ph. D., being the second recipient only of this degree at Boston University. Miss Helen Magill was the other.

At the instance of the fathers of two of the Trinity College students who were "hazed" by members of the senior class last April, prosecutions were brought against the thirteen students who were suspended by the faculty, and who have recently returned to Hartford. There was a special hearing in the case in the Supreme Court Wednesday. The offending students pleaded nolle contendere, and were fined $10 each and costs.

The Hopkins prize for the best original memoir, invention, or discovery in connection with mathematics or physical or experimental science that may have been published during the three years immediately preceding has been awarded to Lord Rayleigh, M. A., F. R. S., of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Experimental Physics in the university, for his various important papers connected with the Theory of Vibrations, and particularly for his paper on the Theory of Resonance.

During the fifteen years in which classes have been conducted by professors of Edinburg University under the auspices of the Edinburg Association for the University Education of Women, nearly four thousand women have availed themselves of them. In the past ten years about fifty women have obtained the ordinary university certificates for women, and twelve have obtained honors certificates.
