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The funny man of the Times thus moralizes over Dr. Schliemann's recent discoveries: "When Dr. Schliemann digs for any particular thing, whether it is a city, a tomb, or a set of jewelry, he is morally certain to find it. He dug for Noah's ark in the Hill of Hissarlik, and he found it on the second day, not more than seventy feet below the surface. Later excavations have laid bare the entire ark, though, thanks to the great discoverer's precaution in putting a board fence around it and in compelling his workmen to dig with their eyes blindfolded, no one except Dr. Schliemann and his wife has yet seen the ark. Of the identity of the vessel discovered by Dr. Schliemann with the original ark there can be no doubt, inasmuch as the name "Ark" is still on her stern in raised gilt letters. There was also found entangled with a ring-bolt on her starboard side, close to her "Plimsoll's mark," a rubber watch coat with Noah's name on the inside of the collar. Dr. Schliemann is naturally very proud of his discovery, and he is so much encouraged by it that he is seriously thinking of discovering the Garden with the remains of the original serpent, together with Adam's lawn-mower and other garden tools in the inexhaustible Hill of Hissarlik."
