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A great many men that get through their annuals very early are accustomed to leave immediately without waiting for class day, and commencement day is notoriously a barren performance as regards the lower class men. This year there will be more attractions than usual late into the season. Apart from the previous day being class day, the 22d will be a red-letter day on account of the Yale game. There is little danger, with so much fun in prospect, that many will leave before that date, and it is especially necessary that they should not, for every throat and pair of lungs in the university will be called on to support the nine in their last game for the championship. But it is of almost equal importance that a large number of persons should go down to New London to the race. The tug must not be occupied by Yale men alone, and the greater our representation the better. Comparatively few men ever see any commencement exercises until their own turn comes. With these extra attractions we hope to hear of a great many staying over till the first of next month.
