

Harvard University has one building which is in a peculiar degree its pride and boast. It was erected at an expense of many thousands of dollars, gladly subscribed by the alumni of the university. It was erected with a purpose - it was intended for a memorial, and it has attained world-wide fame under the name of "Memorial Hall." Yesterday was Memorial Day. The hall and the day are memorials of the dead soldiers of the civil war. One represents the recognition the graduates of a university gave to their brave classmates, to the sons of the same Alma Mater; the other represents the recognition a people give to the valor and the honor of their sons, brothers and fathers. There is one difference between the two: The recognition of Harvard University ended the day that hall was dedicated; the other goes on from year to year, increasing as the years roll on. A stranger at Harvard yesterday would never have known that the day was a holiday, that the nation was remembering its dead. Recitations, lectures, examinations went on as usual. This indeed could be pardoned, but when the students saw that grand Memorial Hall as free of decoration as on any other day of the year they concluded that corporations were indeed soulless. Not a flower was before a single-one of the many names engraved on the marble tablets which line the transept; not a flag floated in the breeze. Memorial Hall had another object besides that of a memorial; it was intended to educate the youth of Harvard College in patriotism. We cannot help asking if to disregard the laws of the State which made yesterday a legal holiday, to neglect on that day of all days recognition of the patriot dead, to leave Memorial Hall without decoration, is the best way to inculcate patriotism in the minds of the youth of the land? - [Globe, May 31st.
