There will be no recitation in Philosophy 4 tomorrow.
Five hundred bicycles paraded in line at Chicago Tuesday.
Yale is soon to rejoice in the possession of chapel chimes.
There were thirty-nine men present at the '83 class meeting last night.
Quite a large crowd were in the square yesterday morning to welcome the nine.
A young man was recently heard to ask an instructor "why they were called sickly dactyls."
Those subscribers who have not yet taken the Sketch Books subscribed for, will please do so as soon as convenient.
It is probable that Mitchell will contest the hurdles and Goodwin, '84, the half-mile, for the championship of America, at New York, on June 10.
The catalogue of a Paris school for young ladies announces that they have pupils from various parts of the United States and some parts of Ohio.
Snifkins wrote to his father, who's farmin' out West, that he was very busy with his annuals, and the old man wrote back that he "wants to be mighty keerful 'bout what kin' of seed he bo't."
At the convention of the League of American Wheelmen, held in Chicago on Monday evening, it was resolved to join with the National Association of Amateur Athletes and give the two and five miles bicycle championships under the joint auspices of the two associations at the Polo Grounds on June 10. Entry lists for these events will remain open until June 5.
The charge is made that a new and gorgeous gambling-house has been opened in Boston, designed by its keeper to answer the particular requirements of Harvard College students. The selfish interest of the college alone would seem to require the immediate closing of that particular gambling-house by the police. There is a new college year to begin in a few months. - [N. Y. Tribune.
FURNITURE especially adapted to cottages, mountain houses, hotels, seaside and summer residences can be bought at manufacturers' prices at PAINE'S, 48 Canal street, Boston.
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The Coming University.