The Pittsburg court house was destroyed by fire yesterday. Loss $200,000.
It is stated on the best authority that the President will approve the present Chinese bill.
Latest reports from Racine, Wis., give the loss by the great fire there last Friday as $750,000.
Intense excitement prevails in London over the news of the assassination of Lord Cavendish and of Burke in Dublin Saturday. The deed meets with expressions of universal horror and condemnation throughout this country, and is considered the worst blow to the fortunes of Ireland that could have been given. The Land League has published a manifesto deploring the occurrence as fatal to Ireland's hopes. Four men have been arrested on suspicion.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 8, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, warmer, fair weather, winds mostly southerly, stationary or lower pressure.
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