


William H. Vanderbilt sails for Europe today.

Rear Admiral John Rodgers died at Washington last evening.

The Cincinnati and Boston base-ball clubs are having a fight over Wise.

Secretary Chandler has received a telegram from Melville stating that he has found De Long and party dead.

Wm. Richards was arrested in Waterbury, Ct., yesterday for a murder committed near Montreal last July.


Senator Blair talked all day yesterday with out saying anything, and will probably continue until the committee are tired.

The second session of the Dartmouth School of Science will begin at Hanover, N. H., July 11, and continue five weeks.

The Indians still continue troublesome. They are few in number, but succeed in making it interesting for the United States troops.

The fast express train between New York and Boston, leaving New York at 4.30 P. M., was fired upon at New Haven last evening.

Base-ball yesterday. At Boston - Troys, 4; Bostons, 1. At Worcester - Providence. 17; Worcesters, 2. At Cleveland - Chicagos. 7; Clevelands, 6. At Buffalo - Buffalos, 4; Detroits, 3.

The excitement in Ireland still continues unabated, and demonstrations of joy at the failure of the coercion policy are taking place everywhere. The appointment of Lord Cavendish to the chief secretaryship is regarded as a very weak one.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 6, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, northwesterly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
