

Tilden will umpire the game today.

"Penikeese" is to be repeated at Yale.

A club in shorthand has been formed at Yale.

The responsive reading at the chapel has improved of late.

Phillips Brooks has been lecturing before the Yale theologues.


Quite a number of Brown men were in Cambridge last evening.

The new uniforms for the nine have arrived and will be worn today.

The letter carriers come out in their summer uniforms the 29th of this month.

The lacrosse game with Columbia, announced to take place today, has been postponed.

Few students exercise in the gymnasium, now that there are so many attractions out of doors.

The cricket team will play the "Graduates" of Boston on Holmes field at 1.30 P. M. today.

The occasional appearance of Daniel Pratt is a reminder of one's preparatory school days.

E. S. Rousmaniere addressed the Society of Christian Brethren at their meeting Thursday evening.

Mr. Ernst, former pitcher of the 'Varsity Nine, was on the field yesterday while the nine were practising.

In the game today Nichols will catch, Hall will play centre, and Crocker right field. Baker will be substitute.
