


Considerable damage has been done by forest fires on Long Island.

The Irish call Gladstone's back-down the "destruction of coercion."

Testimony in the trial of J. B. Doyle at Chicago for counterfeiting is all in.

Laycock and Boyd are negotiating for a race to be rowed on the Tyne shortly.

A number of railroad strikers have been arrested at Newburg, N. Y., for interfering with laborers.


Prof. S. I. Curtis of Chicago, who has been called to the Hebrew professorship at Andover, will probably decline.

It is considered that the present British cabinet is losing power rapidly, and will soon be compelled to resign.

Much expert testimony on poison and its effects was introduced into the Malley trial yesterday. The case for the prosecution is drawing towards the close.

Hon. Horace Maynard, ex-Postmaster General, died yesterday. Mr. Maynard was a graduate of Amherst, and formerly professor in the University of Tennessee.

Mr. Lowell has accepted the office of president of an organization formed for the purpose of providing a lasting monument or some other memorial of the late poet Longfellow.

The secretary of war having declined to send a team from the army to shoot at Creedmore, the National Rifle Association has voted to appeal direct to President Arthur in the matter.

The Senate yesterday discussed the political disabilities bill and the bill to create a court of appeals. The House discussed the tariff question and considered the report upon a bill making new provisions for the election of President. A bill to enlarge the signal service was also introduced.

Base-ball yesterday : At Boston - Bostons 17, Worcesters 4; at Cleveland - Detroits 1, Clevelands 0; at Buffalo - Buffalos 5, Chicagos 0; at Providence - Providence 3, Troys 1; at St. Louis - St. Louis 6, Louisville 4; at Cincinnati - Cincinnatis 7, Pittsburgs 3; at Philadelphia - Athletics 7, Baltimores 6; at New Haven, Ct. - Philadelphias 6, Yales 2.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 4, 1882 - 1 A.M. For New England, increasing cloudiness, with rain, warmer southerly winds, lower barometer.
