

There will be an examination in French 1 May 17th.

The Glee Club sang in Providence last evening.

Billy, the postman, has discarded the sling from his injured arm.

The steam launch now follows the crews regularly for coaching purposes.

The freshman nine defeated Adams Academy yesterday by a score of 24 to 4.


Mr. Agassiz lectures in Sanders Theatre this evening on the "Ruins of Yucatan."

The Harvard Club of San Francisco announces its intention of giving $2000 to the college for the purpose of founding a scholarship.

In accordance with the new regulations requiring a gain of five yards in three successive downs in foot-ball, the side-lines of the field will hereafter be divided off into five-yard spaces.

The business of the Co-operative Society is increasing daily, but nevertheless there still seems to be considerable negligence and delay on the part of men who have signed in coming forward and paying their fees. All who have signed (and there are 200 more who have done so) should certainly feel it incumbent upon them to carry out their original agreements and become members.

The following story is told of President Eliot : At one time the students got in the habit of sitting in large numbers upon the fence. The president not desiring such a thing to become a custom, was at a loss how best to break up this practice. At last one evening, as he was walking along the sidewalk and the students were sitting on the fence singing, etc., the president said : "Gentlemen - Allow me to congratulate you on having adopted the Yale custom." The president was never troubled afterwards by students sitting on the fence.

We are in receipt of a communication berating the lack of enterprise shown in Cambridge, in that there is no place where boats may be hired by the hour for use on the Charles river for rowing and sailing. It should be remembered that men who wish to indulge in this recreation can have the use of the club boats at the boat-house upon payment of a small fee. But still it would be a great convenience for those who only desire a few hours' use of boats during the entire season if it were possible to hire light pleasure boats by the hour. Why does not Mr. Blaikie put some boats on the water and let them out in this way.
