There was a great deal of buying in Wall street yesterday.
Parnell, O'Kelly and Dillon were released from jail yesterday.
The Garfield funeral flowers were recently attached in Chicago for debt.
Judge Varney of Dartmouth '43 was killed yesterday by a falling wall at Dover, N. H.
The Senate committee reported favorably on the nomination of Worthington to be collector of the port of Boston.
Great joy prevails in Ireland over the resignation of Forster. He will be succeeded by either Chamberlain or Lefevre.
A feature of the New Haven trial yesterday was the appearance in court of a partially demented, middle-aged Irish woman, commonly dressed, who has conceived a violent passion for Walter Malley. It is said she has frequently annoyed the young man by calling on him at the jail.
Games yesterday: At Worcester - Worcester 11, Bostons 10; at Providence - Providence 17, Troys 1; at Cleveland - Clevelands 1, Detroits 7; at Princeton, N. J., - Philadelphias 9, Princeton College 5; at Cincinnati - Cincinnatis 9, Pittsburgs 10; at St. Louis - St. Louis 9, Louisville 7; at Providence - Brown University 12, Alumni 4; at New York city - Metropolitans 11, Atlantics 5; at Southboro - Harvard freshmen 28, St. Marks 4; at Philadelphia - Athletics 10, Baltimores 7.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 3, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, northwesterly winds, becoming variable; stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
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