Baker, '84, umpired the game yesterday.
The Co-operative Society has now 237 members.
The lacrosse team will not play the Columbias until next week.
E. K. Kemp, '84, has been obliged to leave college on account of sickness.
The Co-operative Society has sold over $350 worth of tennis goods this spring.
The freshman nine defeated St. Mark's School nine yesterday by a score of 35 to 4.
Men desiring physical examinations can now make appointments with Dr. Sargent.
The collegiate year of the Thayer School of Engineering at Harvard closed yesterday.
Prof. Hill advises those who intend to take English 6 to attend the debate tomorrow.
Yesterday morning two eagles were seen hovering over the yard immediately after prayers.
The freshmen play Adams Academy today at Quincy. Train leaves Old Colony depot at 1.50 P. M. Fare each way 20 cents.
There will be a rehearsal of the Pierian Sodality this evening. All members who intend to play in the concert must be present.
Members of H. C. Society who wish to order Rolfe's "Antony and Cleopatra" should leave their orders before 10 o'clock Thursday A. M.
A. A. WATERMAN.Mr. Frederic Knapp has been chosen superintendent of the college buildings in place of Mr. Wait, resigned. The room in University lately occupied as a reading-room is being fitted up as an office for his use.
The result of the election of directors of the Dining Association is as follows: From '83, C. J. Hubbard and G. E. Lowell; from '84, A. G. Hatch and J. J. Chapman; from '85, M. L. Bradford and G. H. Atkinson; from the Law School, W. W. Case and F. W. Ranlett; from the Divinity School, A. A. Brooks, and from the Scientific School, R. T. Jackson. As no president and vice-president were chosen, another election for these officers will occur tomorrow. Nominations may be handed to the auditor up to noon today.
FURNITURE. Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Hall furniture, from an immense stock, is sold direct from the manufactory, at PAINE'S, 48 Canal and 141 Friend streets, opposite Boston & Maine depot, Boston.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.