Antioch College is to be re-opened next September.
Prof. Toy preaches in the college chapel tomorrow.
Wednesday was the opening day of the Yacht Club at Yale.
Less than fifteen men have signed to go to New Haven today.
Mr. Lovering will play first base today in the game at New Haven.
For tutor in Freshman Chemistry and German address 23 Grays.
Mr. Ticknor has resigned his position as instructor in elocution in the college.
The freshman nine plays the Watertown nine this afternoon at 2.30, on Holmes field.
The University Crew rowed over the course on time yesterday with Perkins, '82, in the bow.
The commencement exercises of the Boston University will take place in Music Hall June 5.
The News says that Harvard's chances for the cup at the Polo Grounds are better than ever.
Matthews, '83, and Ruggles, '83, will represent Cornell at the inter-collegiate sports at New York next Saturday.
The results of the last two class games at Williams are: Seniors, 4, juniors 2; and seniors 15, sophomores, 8.
The number of students taking Sanskrit has increased so rapidly at the University of Vienna that it has been found necessary to appoint a second professor.
Paul H. Hayne is engaged on two new poems, for Emory College commencement and for the dedication of the Confederate monument at Charleston, S. C.
Professor C. D. Hartranft, of the Hartford Theological Seminary, is to deliver, June 25, the annual address before the Christian Fraternity of Dartmouth College.
A meeting of the junior class in Holden Chapel is called for Monday evening, May 29, at 8 o'clock, to take suitable action concerning the death of Mr. G. H. H. Allen.
The annual Freshman Chemistry examination occurs at 11 A. M. today as follows: Abbott to Kelleher, Mass. 1; King to Taussig, Mass. 2; Taylor to Young, scientific and conditioned men, U. E. R.
It is said that the ladies of the Harvard annex declined an invitation to join the recently organized association of "Collegiate Alumnae," the object of which is to unite alumnae of different institutions for practical educational work.
PARLOR BED PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the warerooms at the manufactory, 141 Friend street, Boston.
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