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It was a very great disappointment that the first game of the Yale series should have to be played at New Haven. Every team or nine plays better at home, from a certain feeling of familiarity with its surroundings, as well as the support given it by its own college. It is highly probable that if the first game had been played, as was intended, the day of the class races, we should have been victorious; whereas under the present circumstances it will have to be a hard-won fight. The only way to remedy this trouble is to send down to New Haven as large a number of supporters as possible, who by their presence will inspire the nine to greater efforts and enable them to play under nearly similar circumstances as in Cambridge. We have repeatedly urged the college to encourage the nine by a more demonstrative confidence, and feel that it is unnecessary to further emphasize the importance of blotting out last week's errors by a victory at New Haven tomorrow. In that case we would feel all the more sure of success upon our own grounds.
