Mr. Holman, '82, has left college.
Meeting of the Pi Eta this evening at 7.30.
The recitation in Philosophy 4 will be omitted tomorrow.
The marks in Junior Themes will be given next Thursday.
The Pierian dinner will take place Monday. Book at Bartlett's
Several of the professors will spend the summer at Mt. Desert.
Game with the Beacons was postponed on account of the rain.
For tutor in Freshman Chemistry and German address 23 Grays.
Very few men have purchased tickets to New Haven up to the present time.
It has been ascertained for a certainty that Ralph Waldo Emerson left a will.
H. Putnam plays in place of Henry on the lacrosse team today at Princeton.
The exhibition game of lacrosse by our team at Philadelphia will not be played.
Cornell rejoices in a new base-ball field, provided by the president of the college.
The recitation in Greek 2 yesterday was devoted to an examination of the metres of the "Birds."
The Senior Crew will be photographed in the shell in front of the boat-house this afternoon at 4.30 sharp.
The recitation in Freshman French will be omitted tomorrow, on account of the examination in chemistry.
A petition to the faculty is being circulated, asking that the hour for holding Natural History 4 next year be changed.
Prof. Jackson's lecture last evening on "Spectrum Analysis" was attended by about one hundred students and three ladies.
The French Academy has awarded a first prize of 1000 francs to M. Hippeau for his work on popular education in France.
Prof. White distributed yesterday to the members of Greek II. a printed scheme of the metres of the "Birds" of Aristophanes.
The Signet Quartette, composed of Messrs. Eaton, Lilienthal, Machado and Coolidge, will sing at Northampton (Smith College) next Monday.
Professor C. C. Everett, of Harvard University will occupy the pulpit of Sage Chapel, on June 4th, in place of Rev. James Freeman Clarke, who is to leave for Europe before that date. - [Sun.
The annual dinner of the Pierian Sodality, Glee Club and associate members will take place at the Parker House on Monday, May 29th, at 8 o'clock P. M. It is very desirable that all who intend to go sign the book now at Bartlett's at once. The price of tickets will be $2.50, and they may be obtained at 29 Matthews today and tomorrow from 9 A. M. to 12 M. of Mr. Hamlin.
PARLOR BED PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the warerooms at the manufactory, 141 Friend street, Boston.
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