The concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality last night was well attended. The first selection was "The Caliph of Bagdad," by Boieioien. This was well rendered by the Pierian, the only visible fault being a little uncertainty in the second violins in the first part. The "March in Springtime" was well given by the Glee Club and elicited much applause. Storch's "Serenade," which introduced Mr. McCagg in a tenor solo, received an encore. Then came the event of the evening, Mr. Burton's new song, the "Song of Wabun." The tenor part was well given by Mr. Lilienthal who was accompanied on the piano by Mr. Warren. Mr. Leavitt's violin obligato was also a fine piece of work. At the conclusion of the song Mr. Burton, the composer, was called to the stage by the enthusiastic audience and was received with a storm of applause.
After the "Hunter's Joy" the Glee Club gave their ever-welcome college songs. They sang many familiar songs peculiar to college students, all of which were thoroughly appreciated by the audience.
After a few moments intermission the Pierian Sodality rendered the "Chinese Patrol" and Suppe's "Banditenstreiche," assisted by Mr. McCagg and Mr. Howe. The Glee Club sang their new song, "Sir Cuckoo," which gave Mr. Pendleton an opportunity for a fine solo. Abt's "The Night" was omitted. Zellner's popular "Bill of Fare" was given by the Glee Club in response to numerous requests. Mr. Wister's "Spanish Drinking Song" with solo by Mr. McCagg elicited an encore.
The concert closed with college songs by the Glee Club and Fahrbach's "Frauenliebe" by the Pierian Sodality. The following was the programme:
PART I.1. Caliph of Bagdad.....Boieioien Pierian Sodality.
2. March in Spring Time.....Becker Glee Club.
3. Serenade.....Storch Glee Club, solo by Mr. McCagg.
4. Song or Wabun. Words by Longfellow, Music by Mr. F. B. Burton, Solo by Mr. Lilienthal. Violin Obligato by Mr. D. Leavitt, Accompaniment by Mr. E. P. Warren.
5. Hunter's Joy.....Astholz Glee Club.
6. College Songs.
PART II.1. The Chinese Patrol.
Banditenstreiche.....Suppe Pierian Sodality.
2. Sir Cuckoo.....Hoffman Glee Club, solo by Mr. Pendleton.
3. Bill of Fare.....Zellner
4. Spanish Drinking Song.....Owen Wister Glee Club, solo by Mr. McCagg.
5. College Songs.
6. Frauenliebe.....Fahrbach Pierian Sodality.
Immediately after the concert dancing commenced in Memorial Hall.
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