Now that lacrosse has made its debut under such favorable circumstances, there is no doubt that next year will see it an established branch of athletics at Yale. It is quite possible that cricket will also, another year, be pushed forward. If lacrosse can flourish here, there is no earthly reason why cricket should not be under taken as successfully, since it is in all respects a more scientific and interesting game. In this connection it may be interesting to note that while Columbia has repudiated her lacrosse team, her representatives at cricket lately defeated, by a score of 68 to 50, the Staten Island team, one of the best in the country. - [New Haven Union.
The Brunonian says editorially: "The association games thus far played have demonstrated the fact that the contest for the college championship this season will be an exceedingly close one, and will be doubtful, probably, even to the end of the season. This fact, however, has become evident, that Brown has a team in the field of which we may well be proud. Probably not more than once in the previous history of base-ball matters here has a stronger nine taken the field, and this is all the more gratifying considering the disadvantages under which the nine labored earlier in the season, and also, considering the constant disadvantage under which athletic matters of all kinds are placed by the absence of a gymnasium suitable for training. The Harvard and Yale games, however, lead us to believe that we have a nine in many respects as strong as will be put into the field by any college this season. . . On the whole we may expect a good record for our nine this season."
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