EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : I wish to mention a strange error (for I suppose it to be an error) in the arrangement of groups in the elective pamphlet for next year. I refer to the fact that Greek V. and Latin VII. are in the same group. Greek V. is the second course in Greek composition, and Latin VII. holds the same relative position among the Latin composition courses. It is absolutely necessary for a candidate for final honors in classics to take these two courses, and they both naturally come in the junior year. According to their present arrangement in the groups for examination, however, they cannot be taken in the same year. Neither course can be put off to the senior year, as Greek VI. and Latin IX., the third courses in Greek and Latin composition respectively, must be taken in this year. The present arrangement precludes the possibility of a man's taking all the composition courses in the classics unless he takes one course in his freshman year. This disposition of these two courses must be an oversight, as it is impossible to see any good reason for it.
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