
H. A. A.


A large number of spectators witnessed the sports on Jarvis field yesterday. The unfavorable weather interfered somewhat with the pleasure of the meeting. The programme opened at 4 o'clock, with the mile walk. Herrick, '82, Baxter, '83, and Mills, '85, were the contestants. Blodgett, '84, was entered for the event, but owing to lameness was unable to compete, although he walked over the course. Herrick took the lead at the start and held it to the finish. At the end of the first lap his lead amounted to 20 yards. At the finish he was fully three-fourths of a lap ahead. He won in 7 minutes, 52 3/4 seconds, with Baxter second.

The throwing of the hammer was between Kip, '83, and Biddle, '84. Kip won by a throw of 84 feet. The best college record is 87 ft. 1 in.

In the first trial heat of the 100 yards dash, a dead heat, between Soren, '83, and Billings, '85, was run in 11 3/4 seconds. In the second heat, between Johnson, '85, Edmands, '84, and Wendell, '82, the record made was 10 1/2 seconds, won by Wendell, with Johnson second.

The half-mile run was contested by Goodwin, '84, Taylor, '85, and Page, '83. Goodwin easily won in 2 minutes 5 1/4 seconds, running in excellent style and steadily increasing his lead throughout the heat. Taylor took second place.

Entries for the discus-throwing closed at the post. - The event proved to be of considerable interest, but the throwing generally seemed to be marked by lack of skill and practice. It can evidently be made a very graceful and enjoyable sport. Messrs. Denniston, '83, Kip, '83, Page, '83, Paulin, '83, Follansbee, '85, Leavitt, '82, and Cumming, '82, entered. Kip won by a throw of 82 feet, with Denniston second throwing 69 ft., 6 in. The best Greek record is said to be 90 feet.


The final heat of the 100 yards dash was between Wendell, '82, Johnson, '85, Billings, '85, and Soren, '83. It was closely contested, but was won by Wendell in 10 3/4 seconds. The best previous college record was made by Wendell a year ago on Jarvis (10 seconds). Johnson, '85, was second.

Messrs. Goodwin, '84, Carey, '83, and Atkinson, '85, entered for the quarter-mile run. At the start and for a considerable distance Goodwin and Carey ran neck and neck, eliciting loud cheers. Near the finish Goodwin made a spurt and passed easily to the front, winning in 55 1/4 seconds. His best previous record and the best college record was 50 3/4 seconds.

Mile Run. - Morison took the lead with Trask and Penrose following; second lap, Morison and Trask same order; Penrose dropped behind, retiring in the next lap on account of a broken shoe. Trask in the next two laps kept same place, and in fifth tried to pass Morison on the finish but failed, the latter winning in 4 minutes, 39 seconds, with Trask hard on his heels. The record of both competitors beats previous Harvard records.

Running Broad Jump. - Won by Soren, 19 ft. 8 in.; 2, Mandell, 18 ft.; 3, Denniston, 16 ft. 9 1/2 in.

120 Yards Hurdle. - Mitchell got a better start than Haupt and increased the lead to the finish, clearing the hurdles in beautiful style. Time, 17 3/4 seconds; 2, Haupt. This breaks Cowdin's record in 1879, and is therefore the best college record.

220 Yards Dash. - Very spirited throughout. Bradford took the lead, but Wendell on the last 100 yards passed to the front, Soren finishing second, Edmands third. Carey and Wesselhoeft retired. Time, 24 seconds.

Putting the Shot. - Kip won by 35, feet 5 1/2 inches; Biddle second, with 32 feet, 4 inches; Follansbee, 31 feet, 6 inches. Kip's throw is the best Harvard record.

Running High Jump. - Edmands, Denniston and Soren started at 3 feet 6 inches, rising to 5 feet 5 1/2 inches, when all three failed. It was lowered one inch, which height Edmands failed to jump; Soren and Denniston then cleared 5 feet 5 1/2 inches.

Bicycle Race. - Norton got the start, but was immediately passed by French, Codman closing up third. These positions were approximately held during the first mile. At the end of the first mile Norton pushed to the front, and Codman passed French, who soon virtually dropped out of the race. Norton worked hard for first place, but was passed on the last hundred yards by Codman, who led by almost a length. Time, 7 minutes 52 seconds; second, Norton.

The sports were remarkably good throughout. Four Harvard records were beaten, and one best college record - these were the hammer and shot by Kip, '83; the mile-run by Morison, '83; the hurdles by Mitchell, '83. The greatest number of prizes was taken by '83; '82 and '84 received two apiece, but the freshmen left the field empty-handed.
