


Charles Lefebvre, the painter, is dead.

Four hundred houses have been destroyed by fire at Boyabad, near Sinope, in Asia Minor.

William H. Bailey, better known as "Pop" Baily, the actor, died in Philadelphia on Saturday.

A terrible tornado occurred in Pike County, Missouri, Saturday, by which four lives were lost, sixteen dwellings destroyed and the crops badly damaged.

A despatch from Louisville says four attempts were made Saturday evening to destroy the office of the Daily World newspaper. Two of the fires were extinguished without alarms, and for the others the fire department was called out.


Ship Western Belle left Greenock on the 11th of April, commanded by Captain Frew. On the 1st of May she ran into an iceberg at night, smashing in her bows, and in 20 minutes afterward sunk. The captain and 13 of the crew lost their lives. May 2 six survivors were picked up, nearly frozen to death, and have been landed at Quebec.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 22, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, partly cloudy weather, with local rains, winds mostly westerly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
