


Danenhower and party arrived at Queenstown yesterday.

The Irish repression bill passed its second reading yesterday.

The English government will use all its force against the secret societies of Ireland.

Benjamin Lombard, the founder of Lombard College, Illinois, died yesterday at Chicago.

The Queen has conferred a baronetcy on Rt. Hon. J. Whittaker Ellis, lord mayor of London.


Dr. H. W. Kendall, the physician who was shot while preparing to rob a grave at Onondaga Hill, N. Y., Thursday night, died last night.

Judge Granger decided yesterday in the Malley trial that the testimony of Blanche Douglass is not admissable. This virtually releases the defendants.

The trial of Gen. Curtis, on the charge of collecting political assessments from the clerks in the New York Custom House, was in progress yesterday.

Games yesterday: At Detroit, Detroits 14, Buffalos 11; at New York, Bostons 10, Metropolitans 4; at Baltimore, St. Louis 9, Baltimores 3; at Pittsburg, Pa., Allegheneys 8, Cincinnatis 7; at Philadelphia, Providence 9, Philadelphias 1; Louisville 9, Athletics 3.

Justice Fry of London yesterday gave judgment in the case of the Union Telephone Company vs. Walker, an action to restrain the defendant from infringing on the patent for Edison's transmitter and Bell's receiver. The former point was decided against, and the latter in favor of, the plaintiff.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 20, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, clearing weather, variable winds, shifting to westerly, stationary or higher temperature, lower pressure.
