

Cornell is to have a "field day" or spring meeting soon. Ann Arbor is to do likewise.

Perry Belmont, the young Congressman who so recently ruffled the shining feathers of the plumed knight of Maine, is a graduate of Harvard.

The Harvard Club of Chicago held a social reunion at the Pacific Thursday evening. About thirty were in attendance, and after the transaction of club business, the members gathered around a "punch bowl" in the hotel ordinary, sang songs, and discussed old college times. - [Tribune.

The petition for instruction in phonography, which was placed in the library a few days ago, seems to have elicited the support of many eminent persons. Among the distinguished names which appear upon the paper are: F. S. Fish, Roscoe Conkling, Me Too, U. S. Grant, Sarah Bernhardt, F. S. Fish, Anna Dickinson, Jumbo, Robinson Crusoe, F. S. Fish, C. J. Guiteau, Tom and Jerry, Madame Rentz, F. S. Fish and O. W. and J. The petition has been placed in the faculty letterbox, and, with such distinguished support, will probably be granted at once. - [Cornell Sun.

STRANGE, IF TRUE.It is strange how rarely you meet Harvard men scattered about among the small cities and towns of the Middle States. Yet every place of any pretentions seems to have Yale alumni. [Record.


PRETTY STRONG.We desire to express our entire concurrence with our E. C. the Spectator in regard to the arrangements for a four-mile race. Were our oarsmen prize fighters and professional athletes four miles would be the correct distance for the race; but as they are not, we consider that distance brutal, and advocate most sincerely the adoption of a three-mile race. - [Acta.

MISGUIDED ENTHUSIASM.The Yale News declares that there is a more marked Harvard tendency at Andover than has been shown for many years. Undeceive yourself, O News! There was a time last winter when a few misguided youths had a sort of Harvard fever, but they seem to be getting bravely over it; and now the prospect looks as if we should send as many if not more men to Yale than in former years. - [Philippian.

HARDLY CORRECT.Thirteen Harvard students have been suspended by the faculty for brutally hazing some fellow-students. Crow Dog is also to be suspended for hazing Spotted Tail with a revolver. As Crow Dog never graduated at an American university, we are at a loss to understand where he acquired such brutal practises, but he ought to be hung all the same. The name of the tribe to which the suspended Harvard students belong is not given. - [Texas Siftings.] This item is hardly correct. They were Trinity students. But Siftings can keep the item in type. It's likely to be needed at almost any time. - [Post.
