

Crimson out today.

Philosophy 4 was dismissed without recitation yesterday.

It is rumored that board at Memorial last month will be $4.35.

At a recent meeting of Columbia College students $1000 was subscribed for the university eight.

Copies of "The Art of Oratory" and "System of Delsarte" may be bought at the university book-store.


The freshman examination in analytics has been postponed until half-past three, instead of at three, as previously announced.

The entries for throwing the discus will not close until tonight. All entries must be made to Mr. Wendell or to Mr. Woodward.

There was such a meagre audience at the Harvard Union last evening that the meeting was adjourned, and the members betook themselves in a body to Boylston 1.

Today's examination in Freshman Analytics occurs at 3 P. M. Sections 1 and 2 go to U. E. R.; sections 3, 6, 7 and 8 to Massachusetts 1.

The members of the Everett Athenaeum from '84 have their last meeting this evening at 7.30. The farce, "Sarah's Young Man," will be given. All old members are cordially invited.

The lectures which Mr. J. H. Allen has been delivering in Divinity Chapel upon the liberal "Movement in Theology," are soon to be published. Many of them are of interest to the general reader.

A complete collection of Alex. Graham and Melville Bell's works have been recently added to the college library. Delsarte and the Bells are quoted by Mr. Sargent as the chief authorities on gesture and on elocution respectively.

As yet very few men have expressed an intention to go to New Haven next Saturday to support '85 in her first game with Yale. There seems to be no reason why at least fifty men should not back up the freshman nine. The fare is but $4.75 for the round trip. Trains leave the N. Y. & N. E. station at 6 P. M. and 9 A. M. Returning, leave New Haven at 8 P. M. and 2.45 A. M. Every man who can possibly go should make the most of this opportunity.

FURNITURE. Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Hall furniture, from an immense stock, is sold direct from the manufactory, at PAINE'S, 48 Canal and 141 Friend streets, opposite Boston & Maine depot, Boston.
