Peru has rejected the proposed truce and the conditions named by Chili.
The cabinet of the khedive have submitted to his authority and have been pardoned.
Hanlan started for home yesterday after having received a very flattering reception from aquatic gentlemen at Birmingham.
The Alpha Delta Phi Society celebrated its semi-centennial at the Academy of Music, New York, last night. Hon. John Jay presided.
Base-ball yesterday: Worcesters 10; Bostons, 7. Providence, 11; Troys, 6. Chicagos, 15; Buffalos, 5. Detroits, 8; Clevelands, 3.
Orders have been given by the President to the United States marshals to search the Scythia for the assassins of Lord Cavendish and Secretary Burke.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 17, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather; westerly winds, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
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