The following is the list of entries for today's meeting of the classes of '82 and '84:
100 yards dash - Mandell, Agassiz, Edmands.
220 yards dash - Sturgis, Wesselhoeft, Robbins, Agassiz, Edmands.
One-fourth mile run - Agassiz, Wesselhoeft, Goodwin, Edmands.
Half-mile run - Goodwin.
Mile run - Penrose.
Mile walk - Blodgett.
Running high jump - Blodgett.
Running broad jump - Mandell, Field.
Putting the shot - Biddle.
Throwing the hammer - Biddle.
Pole vault - Mandell.
100 yards dash - Wendell.
220 yards dash - Wendell.
One-half mile run - Crehore.
Mile run - Storer.
Mile walk - Herrick.
Hurdles - Haupt.
Putting the shot - Cummings.
Throwing the hammer - Cummings.
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