
No Headline

The crews today will be composed as follows :

SENIORS (color, green and white).

Age. Height. Weight.

Bow, M. S. Crehore 23 5 06 155


2, H. R. Hoyt 20 5 08 1/2 143

3, H. H. Sherwood 22 5 09 150

4, J. W. Babcock 25 5 09 160

5, C. R. Dean, captain 21 5 10 148

6, J. P. Clark 22 5 07 152

7, G. W. Perkins 22 6 00 160

Stroke, X. H. Goodnough 21 5 09 148

Coxswain, H. T. Oxnard 115

JUNIORS (color, blue and white).
