

Last evening Prof. Goodwin lectured upon "Troy and Mycenae" to a small audience in Sanders Theatre. Professors Norton ond Dyer were among the auditors. The lecturer said that a few years ago he had been asked in a letter if there were a Dr. Schleimann? if he had discovered an ancient city? and if that city were Homer's Troy? All these points he had denied at the time, but was soon obliged to recant. Within the Agora of Mycenae five tombs were opened, and the many golden ornaments found therein undoubtedly belong to the Heroic Age. The speaker thought that although Schleimann has not made the romantic discovery of the tombs of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra upon the hill at Hissarlik, yet he has made discoveries more important to archaeology. Out of its height of 112 feet, the real hill of Hissarlik is but 60 feet, the remaining 52 feet being composed of the accumulated ruins of six cities. The third of these buried cities is supposed to be ancient Troy because it shows signs of having been destroyed by fire. In conclusion, Prof. Goodwin hoped that the first expedition sent from the New World to explore the Old World would not fail on account of lack of aid. He thought there might still lie buried in Greece treasures as rich as any yet discovered.
