


A number of Williams students who were too independent and critical in the matter of petitions, have been severely snubbed for their pains. The receipt of a circular from the college faculty by parents of several sophomores, severely censuring the students because of their objection, in writing, to the Latin professor's manner of recitation here, has caused some little excitement among the students. The following is a verbatim extract of the letter sent by Prof. Fernald, secretary of the faculty, to the parents, and its own explanation : "The facts are that he and others of his class, fancied that they had the right to dictate to their instructor what the length of their lessons should be, and the precise moment when their recitations must end, and when the limits, which they had arbitrarily assumed to be right, had been slightly exceeded. Your son and others concerted to absent themselves from the next recitation, and sent a letter to Prof. Smith, their instructor, informing him how he ought to conduct his recitation in these two respects, and stating why they were to be absent. After a careful enquiry into the case, the faculty are convinced that the class had no grievance worthy of any consideration whatever, etc. I will add, that this combination of the students is a clear violation of the promise which they made on entering the college; that they would avoid 'all indecent, disorderly behavior and disrespectful conduct to the faculty, and all combinations to resist their authority.'"

BOWDOIN COLLEGE.Memorial Hall at Bowdoin College is to be dedicated on Wednesday of commencement week, and at about the same date services in memory of Longfellow will be held, in which distinguished alumni of the college will participate. The junior ivy day exercises will be held June 1 and 2. At a meeting of the senior class recently, it was decided to have a promenade concert on Wednesday of commencement week - a feature which was introduced by '81 - instead of the costly commencement concert, and found to be eminently satisfactory.
