

The Globe of yesterday contained an article on Harvard students which should be read by every one who feels any interest in Harvard. It will do much to correct the erroneous views of the bulk of the people in regard to Harvard students. People in general, and particularly Western people, have an idea that it is impossible for any man unless he has unlimited means to send his sons to Harvard. But "there is no doubt a moneyed atmosphere there, but there is underneath that a stratum of air which a visitor never breathes, which Boston people seldom know of. . . In the first place it is not true that every Harvard student is a rich man, or that to obtain a degree riches are necessary. Yet it is surprising to find how strong the impression is outside the college walls that it is impossible for a poor boy to work his way through Harvard. That this impression is false is shown by the fact that students graduate every year who have obtained their education unassisted, and cases are not unknown of such students coming out considerably richer than when they went in. There are two resources which the poor student has-first, the college; second, himself. Probably no institution in the world offers more pecuniary aid to students than Harvard." The writer goes on to enumerate the various ways in which the college assists the needy student. After mentioning scholarships, monitorships, loan funds, &c., he speaks of the system of tuition:

"In America the system has never gained much ground, but at Harvard it is becoming more common every year. A tutor usually gets for tutoring classmates, $1 per hour; for tutoring those in classes below him, $2 per hour; while a graduate tutor usually gets $3 per hour. These prices vary, of course; but this is the average. Many a man has entirely paid his way through Harvard by tutoring, and many graduates support themselves there during their post-graduate studies in the same way. Tutoring is not confined to lazy or dull men. Sometimes a smart scholar, wishing to devote all his time to one branch of study, and being compelled to pass examinations in other branches, will tutor up in the latter rather than spend the time necessary to work them up alone. Then, also, there are usually a number of boys in Cambridge and Boston fitting for Harvard under private tutors, often college students."

Besides these means of defraying the college expenses, there is the practice of printing notes to the various courses.

"A student takes full notes of lectures in some course, then manifolds them with a copygram, by copying or by printing, and sells the copies at handsome prices. Often the compilers add to the notes taken in the lectures, the results of long, tedious hours of grinding in the library, systematize and index the whole, and publish them in the form of book leaves. One of these leaves, containing four or eight pages, comes out two weeks or so after the lectures are delivered. At the end of the year, if bound together, they make a most valuable book. Last year the notes in the course on the constitutional history of the United States cost $8.50, and to any student of American politics a bound copy of them today would be worth fully that amount.

Another kind of work of an altogether different character occupies the spare time of many students, viz., literary labor. The least profitable and the least pursued is newspaper work. The college papers are seldom run on a money-making basis. The work which brings the most money into the student's pocket is the writing of special articles and special correspondence for the leading papers of Boston, New York, Chicago, in fact of nearly every city in the country. The New York Herald, World, and Tribune, the Chicago Inter-Ocean and Tribune, the Philadelphia News, are but a few of the many papers which have had articles from Harvard press, Six, at least of the Boston papers have regular reporters at Harvard, and it is a rare thing to pick up a Sunday paper which has no Harvard notes in it. The pay for this sort of work varies according to the ability and good fortune of the writer. The New York and Chicago dailies pay from $10 to $15 a column.


From the facts already given it will be seen that it is perfectly feasible for a Harvard student to support himself while in college if he has the brains which would support him outside. These facts, also, ought to go far toward impressing the community with the idea-novel, to be sure, but still true-that a great portion of the students at Harvard are laborious and hard-working-not too proud to toil for their daily bread, and not too lazy to do honest work."

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