

No Headline

It has always been the misfortune of Harvard to be judged superficially. The public has seized upon a certain type of character that exists at the college, and persists in considering that one type and that alone as representative of Harvard character. It is hardly probable that this prejudice can ever be eradicated so long as the aforesaid type exists at the college. It would be very strange indeed if in so large a body of students affectations and eccentricities should not exist, but that Harvard men themselves should countenance and encourage the opinion that such characteristics prevail throughout the college, and thereby distinguish it from other colleges, is truly deplorable. Any expression of sentiment condemning such practices as prevail among certain classes of men, and which bring discredit upon the college, will certainly meet the approval of Harvard students, and any frank discussion of evils that exist will be welcomed, but the assumption that such qualities are characteristic of the entire body of Harvard undergraduates is gratuitous and certainly erroneous.
