

PRINCETON, N. J., May 3.

The increasing warmth has brought out all lovers of sport. Tennis, base-ball and lacrosse are on the boom, and from twelve o'clock on, the orange and black in every possible combination is seen upon the campus. All the many tennis courts have been newly laid out and marked, and are now well patronized.

The boating men are doing their best. Princeton has so few advantages to boast, and so many disadvantages, that it has always been a matter of doubt in the minds of some whether or not it is best to go to so much expense for an object which is likely to yield us but small returns. With no water but a crooked canal, half a mile from the college grounds, it does at first sight seem foolish, and yet those who profess to know, declare that even these are by no means insuperable difficulties, and have assured us that each successive crew was better than that of the preceding year. As yet we have accomplished little. To be sure, we have the Childs cup, but no great honor came with its acquisition. It remains for us, now that we have it in our possession. to keep it, and that we are trying our best to do this year. The crew consists of Howell, '83, stroke; Bird, '85, No. 3; Jennison, '83, No. 2; Baker, '83, bow. Our trainer, Geo. Lee, assures us that our men will do us credit in the coming season; and with this assurance, the college is ready to give hearty support to the crew. Captain Jennison has accepted the invitation to the Lake George regatta, and the orange and black will probably join in the struggle there next month.

Our base-ball prospects are fair. The games so far have shown us that we have aplendid material throughout. Considerable unevenness yet remains, but this will wear off with more practice. By the time the championship games commence, we hope to play in much better form. As it is, our out-field, we believe, is as strong as can be found on any amateur nine in the country, while batting, heretofore Princeton's weakest point, is now one of her strongest. We have made our fair share of base hits in every game yet played, with very creditable totals. An advantageous business offer, and early graduation in consequence, made necessary the resignation of Mr. Winton, who for two years filled so well the difficult position of first base. We have filled the vacancy much better than we thought possible. Larkin, though a new man so far, heads our batting order.

The new lacrosse suits have just arrived. The jersey is of black with orange trimmings, and "Princeton" embroidered in orange across the front. It is very tasteful, and much liked.


The new chapel, our much-talked-of, much discussed new chapel, is rapidly approaching completion. It will be one of the ornaments of our already handsome campus. The interior is as beautiful as the exterior, and very commodious and comfortable. The change from our present dingy, crowded room will be very acceptable. The dedication, we believe, is fixed for commencement. The seating capacity is somewhere in the neighborhood of eight hundred.

Summer is now at hand at Princeton, the pleasantest season of the year. Third term is marked by a great decrease in the polling statistics, with a corresponding increase in the loafing. As soon as the weather permits, the collegiate finds no pleasure so great as a cigarette under one of the great elms on the north campus.

