

The Marquand Chapel at Princeton will be completed in about a fortnight.

Cornell has commenced to issue a quarterly library bulletin called the Library, somewhat after the plan of the Harvard Bulletin.

"83's First Lie," was the astonishing title the printers gave to an article in the Yale News. "'83's First Lit." was what they meant.

A bill has been introduced into the United States Senate appropriating 46,080 acres of public lands for the benefit of the University of Alabama.

Rochester University has a professor of millinery. The wildest flights of imagination in "Penikeese" are realized and the Professor of Systematic Ironing and Dogmatic Washing himself is outdone!


A new summer school is to be established in northern Michigan by certain professors of the university at Ann Arbor. Twelve professors and various lecturers will be engaged. The course will last five weeks.

The following-named were the entries at the '85 spring meeting at Yale : 100 yards - H. S. Brooks. Jr., C. W. Cutler, L. F. Robinson, H. S. Rollins; 230 yards - H. S. Brooks, Jr., H. S. Rollins; 440 yards - S. R. Burton, H. L. Doggett. J. C. Bridgman, W. J. Worcester; 120 yards hurdle - 8 hurdles, 3 1/2 feet high - H. S. Brooks, Jr.; 1/2 mile - S. M. Colgate, H. L. Doggett, L. Foster, J. C. Bridgman, W. G. Green; 1 mile run - Foster, Harris; running broad jump - W. J. Worcester, L. F. Robinson, G. E. Vincent, C. W. Cutler; running high jump - H. S. Brooks, Jr.; pole vaulting - G. E. Vincent; putting shot, 16 lbs., - E. E. Norton, L. F. Robinson, J. H. Briggs; throwing hammer - E. E. Norton, J. H. Briggs.

Professor Comfort, of Syracuse University, in a lecture said that Princeton College allowed more disgraceful conduct in the class room than any other college in this country. The professor said this after having been an instructor there for a short time, and added that Dr. McCosh and the rest of the faculty remained there only at the sacrifice of their manhood. - [Sun.
