

The Boston Letter Carrier's Benefit Association will give a grand entertainment at the Mechanics' Association Building Saturday evening, May 20. The object is a worthy one and it deserves to be well patronized.

We are glad to see so much enterprise in the college papers. The Yale News has now a new department, viz, the weather. The editors generally leave the beaten tracks of ordinary newspaper expression and transpose the "probabilities" into their own more elegant and flowery language.

The News says very condescendingly that "Old Greek plays may be well enough in their place when supported by all the dead-tongue devotees in the country; but," it continues, "for one man, in the midst of the pressing work of the junior year, to write up an entirely original play [Penikeese], such as shall satisfy an audience far harder to please than any Greece ever saw, is not without its merit."

The New York Times says of the recent 6 to 4 vote at Dartmouth, sustaining President Bartlett : "The position of the six trustees who sustain him is made curiously inconsistent by the fact that, after the adoption of the resolution concerning the president, another resolution `indorsing' the faculty in precisely the same terms was introduced and carried unanimously. But in the whole faculty there are only three who are not opposed to the president, so the six trustees stand in the singular position of men who look on at a fight and espouse both sides. The responsibility for the future of the college is now placed squarely on their shoulders."

The following, although evidently referring to the sinful game of "draw," we clip and let it pass on its own merits:


We sat alone: your little hand

Lay on the table by my own,

Only a little hand, and yet

I cannot, while I live, forget

The tremor of profound regret

When I saw how your hand had grown.

We parted, but your little hand

Lay on the table cold and fair;

Wide was the scope the numbers spanned;

Three bright-robed queens serene and bland,

Two rampant Jacks, a happy band,

While I had only one small pair. - [Student.
