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A special meeting of the overseers of Harvard College was held at the treasurer's office, in Water street, Boston, yesterday, Hon. E. Rockwood Hoar presiding, when President Eliot of the college submitted the following votes:

Voted, by the college faculty, that the president and fellows will hereafter assign to special students some of the unrestricted scholarships heretofore used by undergraduates, reference being had to the relative numbers of undergraduates, and special students who may be candidates for scholarships; also that the president and fellows consider the assignment to graduate scholars of some of the like unrestricted scholarships.

The above votes were referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Endicott, Parker and Codman. Messrs. Charles S. Tuckerman, Abbott L. Lowell and William E. Russell were appointed inspectors of polls at the election of overseers on commencement day.
