There was a continued discussion of the Chinese bill in the House yesterday.
The Red river is still very high. Everything is flooded, and there are no signs of abatement.
Shotover won the two thousand guineas yesterday. Gerald, the American horse, was scratched.
The valedictory address at Brown University has been assigned to William Henry Pomeroy of Springfield, Mass.
A delegation from Vermont, including the governor and lieutenant-governor, called upon the President in the white house yesterday.
The Navy Department had information from Rear Admiral Rogers yesterday afternoon saying that his condition was about the same, and, if anything, he is a little more comfortable.
A bold attempt was made yesterday by a woman in New York to rob a Cincinnati gentleman of $7,700. His promptly noticing the absence of his pocket-book in its usual place led to her immediate arrest.
The town of Gualleysville in Arizona has been entirely burned by the Indians. In all thirty-five white people were killed. Another outbreak occurred in New Mexico at about the same time, and twenty people were killed.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., April 27, 1882-1 A. M. For New England, partly cloudy weather and rain, southeast to northeast winds, lower barometer, stationary or lower temperature.
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