

Robinson has now fifty-three men in training.

Trees have been planted around the edges of Jarvis field.

C. F. Mathewson is to be valedictorian at Dartmouth.

Seventeen seniors and twenty-seven juniors are trying for the Boylston prizes.

The annual election of the editors of the Cornell Era and Sun takes place tomorrow.


The lacrosse team plays the Unions of Boston this afternoon in Cambridge at 4 o'clock.

The fare on the night cars of the Union Railroad has been reduced to the regular day rates.

The much advertised and long-awaited "Little Beauties" cigarettes are now for sale at Drury's.

A certain eminent professor has lately procured a dog for the purpose of studying animal instinct.

There will be no rehearsals of the Pierian this week on account of the senior and sophomore theatricals.

Daniel Pratt was around the college yesterday selling the Saving Properties of the Solar System for ten cents.

Messrs. Camp, Eaton and Williams have been appointed delegates to represent Yale at the foot-ball convention.

The freshman nine played a picked nine on Holmes field yesterday afternoon, and were defeated by a score of 7 to 2.

The Lucille Western colored dramatic company will present the drama "East Lynne" in Lyceum Hall, Tuesday evening, May 2d.

The first ten of the Institute from '85 are: McCook, Atkinson, Chanler, J. E. Thayer, O. S. Howard, French, Weed, Storrow, Winthrop, Delano.

A large number of men are training for the inter-collegiate games at the polo grounds, New York, and the prospects are that Harvard will furnish entries for every event.

J. R. Lowell has been selected as president of the Longfellow Memorial Association. The vice-presidents are: O. W. Holmes, J. G. Whittier, President Eliot, Dr. C. Deane and Alex. Agassiz. Arthur Gilman is secretary and John Bartlett treasurer. Professors Norton, Gray and Trowbridge are on the committee on plans, and many other Harvard professors appear among the members of the association.

PARLOR BED.- PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the warerooms at the manufactory, 114 Friend street, Boston.
