


"English Literature." Mr. Perry. Sever 11, 3 P. M.

Overseers. Meeting at 70 Water street, Boston, 11 A. M.

Acoustics. Prof. Lovering, Harvard, 12 M. Weekly course.

Hebrew Readings. "Book of Job." Prof. Toy. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.

"Theology of the New Testament." Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D. Divinity Hall Chapel, 3 P. M.


SOPHOMORE THEMES.Mr. Drennan's Section.-Theme V. will be returned with criticisms to sub-section 2 (Hardwick to Silberman) Thursday, (today); Hardwick to McDuffie, 3 P. M.; Mandell to C. S. Perkins, 3.30; G. H. Perkins to Silberman, 4. Those who have a conflict, at 4.30 P. M.

Theme VI. will be due from all the sections April 27 and 28. Subjects: 1. Should a Cooperative Society be formed in Harvard College? 2. Is there a Science and Art of Public Speaking? 3. Ought President Jackson to have removed the deposits? 4. Ought the State to own the Railroads? 5. Should the Suffrage be granted to Women? 6. Should the Suffrage be still further limited? 7. Should a new College boat-house be built? 8. Ought Hamilton to have accepted Burr's challenge? The first draft of the theme will consist of a brief or scheme, containing only the heads of the argument. This will be criticised by the instructor and returned to the student to be written out. The completed production will be subjected to no further criticism, but will be marked on its merits, largely with regard to its value as an argumentative composition.

Mr. Gummere's Section.-Theme V. will be returned to sub-section 2 (J. G. Gardiner to Kent) April 27; to sub-section 3 (Kip to Wilson) May 4.

Theme VI. will be due on April 27 and 28. For subjects, see Mr. Drennan's notice.
