The freshmen commenced rowing in a shell Monday.
Today is the last day for entering the competition for the Boylston prizes.
L. A. Biddle, '84, is president of the Intercollegiate Cricket Association.
Members of the Scientific School were out surveying the height of Memorial yesterday.
The Glee Club concert, which was announced to be given in Providence some time this week, has been postponed until May.
The third senior forensic has not yet been corrected. Due notice will be given of the return of forensics three and four.
There will be a second presentation of "Ali Baba," for the benefit of the boating fund; in Union Hall, Boston, Saturday evening.
The new hats of the Harvard Bicycle Club can be ordered of D. P. Ilsley. The hats are dark blue, with a crimson "H" in front.
The Harvard Finance Club meets in Sever 15 this evening at 7.30. Messrs. Lothrop and Whitman will each read a paper on "The Recent Theory of Reciprocity or Fair Trade."
The recitation in Chemistry 1 this week will be on "Bismuth, Antimony and Arsenic." As the class have finished the required laboratory work so early, a number of extra experiments will probably be given out.
Members of the Co-operative Society are requested to change the word "hardware," which appears on the list of articles to be bought at a discount, to "cutlery." The firm, opposite whose name it appears, do not deal in general hardware.
A. A. WATERMAN.PARLOR BED. PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the ware-rooms at the manufactory, 114 Friend street, Boston.
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Dr. Everett's Address.