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The recent letter of Prof. Hale to the Nation (summarized in our columns), and indeed the whole discussion that has been going on of late in that journal upon the elective system, seems to have excited an unwonted amount of thought and questionings upon the subject at other colleges, and especially at Yale and Cornell. The Courant calls Prof. Hale's letter "conclusive and convincing." And in consideration of the universal interest and discussion of the question at present, it calls upon the faculty at Yale to make its defence and present its apology for persisting in its present course. It says: "If the time has not yet come for what the News terms 'swinging round,' the time has certainly come when the reasons that lead to our keeping on in the course should be made known. Other colleges, and Harvard in particular, assert their system to be the most advantageous." It seems to be only a question of time when Yale and every other ultra-conservative college will be forced to adopt the elective system. It is a manifest destiny!
