

R. W. Emerson is seriously ill with pneumonia.

The building of the Yale observatory is to be enlarged.

The Co-operative Society has now over 185 members.

The course in Greek 2 will finish the "Birds" next week.

The fifth number of the Harvard University Bulletin has been issued.


The headquarters of the Co-operative Society for the future will be at Drury's.

A competent tutor in algebra can be found at 43 College House. References given.

A nine consisting of '83 and '84 men will probably play the freshmen this afternoon.

The freshmen were defeated on Jarvis Saturday by the Hyde Parks, by a score of 2 to 7.

Some miscreant has stolen the autograph of Oscar Wilde from the visitors' registry at the library.

The last lecture in Dr. James' course on "Physiology and Hygiene" will be given next Wednesday.

An agreement has been made by which Robinson, the trainer, will remain at Harvard for at least two years longer.

Mr. Knowles and Mr. Stevens, of the '82 class nine, have been suggested as an excellent battery to give the freshmen practice.

The Harvard Union debate, on "Webster's position as defined in his 7th of March speech," will be held in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening.

The Union Lacrosse Club of Boston did not play with our team Saturday, as was expected. The Harvard team will probably play the College of the City of New York next Saturday in Boston, and Columbia May 6.

The cricket club will soon begin to play practice games with various local clubs. Matches will probably be played this spring with Columbia, Princeton, Trinity and the University of Pennsylvania.

At a recent meeting of the directors of the Bicycle Club it was determined to adopt a new club hat, which may now be procured at Ilsley's. The hat is made of dark blue serge, lined with soft leather, and will have a crimson "H" on the front. The price is $1.50, and it is earnestly desired that all the riding members should procure them as soon as possible. Too little attention is paid to uniform in the club, as it is; and where such a slight outlay on the part of each member will afford the club some distinctive mark, it seems as though each member ought to order one of these hats at once.

PARLOR BED. PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the ware-rooms at the manufactory, 114 Friend street, Boston.
