

Crimson out today.

The Lampoon will appear today.

'83 will have a class dinner May 15th.

There will be only two more debates in English 6.

"A Sanskrit Reader," by Professor Lanman, is in press.


H. M. Perry, '80, is holding a fellowship at Johns Hopkins University.

Not more than one-fourth of the class of '82 have handed in their class lives.

The secretary of '82 will soon print a report, to be circulated among the members of the class.

W. I. Stringham, '77, holder of a Parker fellowship, is at present studying philosophy at Leipzig, Germany.

The question whether the '82 class supper shall be paid from the class fund is being considered by the committee.

Lost. - Freshman note-book, with one-half of one cover torn off. Contains miscellaneous notes. Finder please leave at auditor's room, Memorial.

The nine plays Worcester tomorrow, Lowell next Wednesday, and the Beacons the following Saturday. Bean and Nichols will pitch and catch in the game with Worcester.

The following are the officers for the sophomore dinner: Toast-master, W. H. Goodwin; poet, J. J. Chapman; orator, R. S. Minturn; odist, W. W. Mumford; chorister, S. A. Eliot.

"Everybody's eyes are now on Yale's athletics, and everybody will be agog when she branches off into this untried field [of la crosse]," says the News complacently. "Agog" is very "pleasant."

Prof. J. B. Thayer of the Law School will not engage in active teaching next year, but will take a year of rest in order to complete his work on "Agency." Messrs. Fessenden and Brandeis, the newly appointed instructors, will take his place.

The question to be debated at the next meeting of English 6 is, "Resolved: that the President and Fellows of Harvard College should offer no encouragement to any proposition looking to the medical education of women." Affirmative: Messrs. Eaton, Burnham, Luce. Negative: Messrs. Hoar, W. G. Chase, Copeland.

The Harvards and Bostons played their third game yesterday afternoon on the Boston grounds. Harvard was defeated by the score of 24 to 1. Harvard presented her change battery, Tucker and Crocker. The Bostons found no difficulty in hitting Tucker's delivery, which fact accounts for their large score. Coolidge did the best batting for Harvard, and Olmsted and Le Moyne the best fielding.

A meeting of the boat club has been called for this evening in Holden Chapel. The following agreement, adopted at the recent meeting of the Yale Boat Club will probably be presented for consideration: "Since Yale yielded to Harvard in determining the dates of the races of 1881 and 1882, it is hereby agreed by the Harvard University Boat Club, and by the Harvard crew, that the next two Harvard-Yale races after 1882 shall be rowed on either the Thursday or Friday after Commencement, and that the final decision as to which of these days shall be chosen for each of these races shall rest entirely with Yale."

FURNITURE. Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Hall furniture, from an immense stock, is sold direct from the manufactory, at PAINE'S, 48 Canal and 141 Friend streets, opposite Boston & Maine depot, Boston.
