The national bank notes received for redemption yesterday amounted to $369,000.
There was a terrific wind storm in New Orleans yesterday, which caused much damage.
Gen. Burt is rapidly sinking, and his physician thinks his death a question of a few hours.
Large numbers of Jews are leaving Balta, Russia, their houses having been sacked and burned.
Several boys escaped from the New Hampshire Reform School yesterday. Two have been captured and the rest are still at large.
A rumor was current in London yesterday that Parnell had been shot on his way from London to Kilmainham, but was found to be without foundation.
Information has been received at Quebec of intense suffering on the Labrador coast. Several people have died of starvation. Indians from the woods, having no means of subsistence, have swarmed down upon settlers.
A dispatch has been received dated on the bank of the Aldan river, Russia, stating that the United States steamship Rogers, which was sent in search of the survivors of the Jeanette, had been burned and sunk, and that Lieut. Berry, together with the officers and crew, 36 in number, are at Trapaka, near Cape Serdze.
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