

Walker Hall at Amherst is to be rebuilt immediately, with nearly the same proportions as before. The amount required for its completion has been raised.

The faculty of Trinity College has indefinitely suspended the thirteen seniors who were engaged in the recent hazing affair at that college. The punishment seems mild enough.

At the meeting of the Harvard Club of New York on Saturday, resolutions on the death of the late Dr. Bellows were adopted, and eight new members were admitted to the club.

During his course at Gottengen, it is said Bismark fought over twenty-seven duels, being only once wounded, and that owing to the breaking of his sword. He led a very wild student's life, never attended the lectures, but passed a creditable examination finally.

There are at present ten or more canoe clubs in America, and three new organizations are about to be started. The American Canoe Association, comprising all these clubs, has now 250 members. The Knickerbocker Canoe Club of New York gives a spring regatta May 27.


Mr. Tennyson, through his son Hallam, has replied to the temperance society which recently forwarded him a resolution expressing regret at the "drink" passages in his new song. "My father begs to thank the committee," the son writes, "for their resolution. No one honors more highly the good work done by them than my father. I must, however, ask you to remember that the 'common cup' has in all ages been employed as a sacred symbol of unity, and that my father has only used the word 'drink' in reference to this symbol. I much regret that it should have been otherwise understood."

A New York divine recently delivered an address on the subject, "Why are Americans Dying Out?" He said that the death rate in America was alarming. In 1880 the average in New York was twenty-six in a thousand, and in 1881 thirty-one, and forty-eight cities in the United States exceeded that. Last year the deaths in New York exceeded the births by 12,494. He said there are six reasons for this deterioration: Americans eat and drink too much; they gamble in stocks and grain as well as at the gaming-table: they are a homeless people, nearly one-half of these living in boarding houses; disappointed ambition is another cause of decay, and finally there is a false standard of success - money.

Mr. John Jones, the Piccadilly tailor who recently died and bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum a choice collection of art objects, gave also, it appears, the sum of $1,000,000 to another public institution of exceptional worth and desert. At Ventnar, on the Isle of Wight, there was founded, some years ago, a hospital for consumptives, on the cottage system, and to this Mr. Jones has left his $1,000,000. The hospital is one of the youngest in the country and one of the best.

The junior exhibition prize at Yale was very curiously divided this year on the section line between Mr. Johnson and Mr. Leonard. Mr. Johnson is a Kentuckian, a son of Col. Stoddard Johnson, a prominent Democratic editor and politician, and a nephew of Gen. Albert Sydney Johnson, the Confederate general who fell at Shiloh. His piece was entitled "The Lost Cause," and was an eloquent, highly rhetorical, and truly Southern defence of his people. Mr. Leonard is a New Yorker, and chose for his subject "William Lloyd Garrison," his oration being a review of the same question from a Northern stand-point and a vindication of the anti-slavery movement. Fifteen years after the bitter conflict has closed students from the opposing sections defend, on a New England college platform, each his own side of the conflict, and the faculty of the college, as loyal during the war to the Union as any body of men in the country, divides the prize between them. An incident trifling but significant. - [Waterbury, Ct., American.

Two pictures by George Fuller, of Boston, just completed, have been sold to Bostonians for $4,000 each. One is called "Lorette - Evening," and is the figure of a French-Canadian peasant girl. The other is called "Priscilla Fauntleroy," and represents the ethereal girl in "The Blithedale Romance," who forms a contrast to Zenobia.

The Times says of the Princetons in their first game with the Metropolitans that "their fielding was not up to the standard of Harvard or Yale, but their batting qualities are equally as good, if not better, than either of those clubs." Several hundred Princeton men accompanied their nine. The Times complains of their partiality in applauding only their own men, and letting brilliant plays on the other side go unnoticed. Hopkins of Yale, the Times thinks, carried off the honors in their game with the Alaskas.
