A "Constitutional History of England," by Prof. Gneist, is soon to be issued.
Lee & Shepard are to issue T. W. Higginson's works in a new and uniform edition.
The "History of Printing at Oxford" is being written by F. Maclan of Brasemore College.
A cheaper edition of Prof. Speat's Etymological Dictionary is to be issued by the Macmillans.
Bernhard Ten Brink's "History of English Literature," a work universally admitted by the best judges to be the most excellent and scholarly ever written on the subject, is to be reprinted in this country by Holt & Co., New York.
It is said that Mr. Cross has abandoned the idea of writing a life of his late wife, George Eliot.
Prof. Childs' English and Scotch Ballads are to be brought out in an edition de luxe of 1,000 copies. The work will be issued in eight parts.
The May Century will have a special design for its cover made by Elihu Vedder, and one of Kruell's finest pieces of engraved work in a portrait of James Russell Lowell.
Dr. Laughlin has an article on "The French Panic" in the May Atlantic : The title of Longfellow's last poem appearing in the same number is "Mad River, in the White Mountains."
The death of Dante Gabriel Rosetti, poet, artist and author, was announced in London on Wednesday last. Mr. Rosetti was at one time a student at King's College, London. He was, in a measure, leader of the school of Moriss, Burne, Jones and Wilde.
The biographical sketch of Prof. Lowell, by F. H. Underwood, is to be followed soon by one of Longfellow, by the same author. Both are published by J. R. Osgood & Co. The last twelve books of Hayman's edition of the Odyssey have been issued recently.
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